Thursday, January 9, 2014

Meet 2014 Goals!!! (and stay sane while you do it)

Yeeeahhh!!   It's the new year!!!! Lets change the world (& look like Wonder Woman while we do it)! Lets write blogs!  Lets write books, pursue our passions, make more time for family and for ourselves!  Lets start exercising and cooking healthier meals. Lets make more money and and and ...oh....lets sit on this couch because all that goal setting is making me tired & a little overwhelmed.

Yeah, you can laugh at me, but I bet SOMEBODY out there is thinking the same thing.  You started out the new year with 1000 new plans. Then only a few days in (sometimes weeks), you are wondering how in the world will I make time to do any of this?!?  The more you figure & think & figure, the more tired you get.

And the plans...and the goals...sometimes are shelved before Februaray.

But last year I learned a little trick that helped a lot!  It helped me find the time to write a book. It helped me make time to exercise. It helped me make a little time for myself.

And there are 2 parts.

1. TAKE 20 - 3 times per week, take just 20 minutes to work on 1 goal.
You will want to achieve EVERYTHING and do EVERYTHING, but you tell yourself this....Self, we are going to work on this and we will be content, and pleased, and proud of ourselves for working on it, no matter what we get done!  If you write only 1 paragraph of a book or blog, that's fine. If you find only 3 new healthy recipes online to try this week, that's fine. If you walk around only 1 block, that's fine. 

Because some progress is better than no progress. Thinking about "how" takes time & energy. If you just do...a little bit....over still get there.

2.. PRIORITIZE YOU - To add, you will have to take away.

Let some cleaning go or let a text or a voicemail go. Let a needy friend go. Or set a new expectation & teach somebody in your house or at your job how to do you can let just 1 task....go.

If you want to meet your goals this year, prioritize YOU and let something go.

Those are my secrets. They really did change my life. I realize I can;t get everything done. I can't be perfect in every way. So I PRIORITIZE me right on in there with everyting else & I take 20.

In the steps WILL get you there. It might take some time...but take them anyway & be proud that you did.

Steph Stanford is the author of Happy Aint That Hard. She's a happiness expert who teaches people to live and love their lives.  She also hosts the most fabulous, all-girls, over-the-top, events for women. To learn more visit 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving...This Year Is Different

Thanksgiving is always a good holiday, after all I get to eat…and eat…and eat… things that I only get once a year. 

There are quiet years where I don’t put much effort in & it’s just my husband, my dog & me sharing whatever we feel like eating on that day.
Then there are other times when the house is full & we try to do some elaborate thing.  And then there are times when we go to somebody else’s house to eat up all their food (bringing home more leftovers than is probably appropriate…but hey, it’s Thanksgiving).

But this year is different. It feels different. As I look back over this year and over the last several years I am seeing things to be thankful for that I never noticed before. I'm reading a book called, I Am Malala, by the 14 year old Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban for simply sharing her opinion that girls should have the right to go to school. She is so enamored by little things like tap water INSIDE the house, running both hot & cold, and that in England where she is now, you don’t have to use oil lamps. There is electricity in every home. 
I'm also looking back over my life this year & seeing amazing things that I only dreamt about that have come true. In February I felt inspired to write a book. In Aug it was printed. 

Yes, I’ve done some business things that I'm very proud of, but I'm more thankful for what lies underneath. This year I have a new confidence. I'm less afraid. I trust God more & I continue to do things that I didn’t think I could do. I believe in me, more than ever before. And it’s not that fake, I'm in corporate America so I have to look all together confidence.  It’s the real thing. It's inside. It’s comforting & it’s rooted in knowing Father God & Mother God & allowing them both to love me.

This year as I wake up on this Thanksgiving morning I am more thankful than ever before for amazing big triumphs in my life & for the smallest conveniences that I often overlook.

I'm not perfect. I still have a journey to walk, but this year God has made me a better, stronger, braver person, more aware, more loving & more patient.  I am so very thankful.

So if you are spending Thanksgiving alone & perhaps feeling kind of down...or if you are looking at family members who drive you crazy & you just want to get home...or if you are somewhere in the middle…there are so many things in your life to be thankful for.

And even though my first attempt at my sisters macaroni & cheese was so bad that I'm giving it to the homeless (& hiding it from my family to avoid ridicule)…I am still thankful. 

Wherever you are in your life, wherever you are today, be thankful. When you can feel it in your heart, the hurt goes away just a little bit & joy comes in.

I love you all. I wish you a day filled with love & thankfulness & appreciation & joy.  I wish you a wonderful day.

All My Love,

Friday, November 15, 2013

My 7-Day Success Experience...Day 1 The Sea's Message For Me

Yesterday I wrote about how I decided to start a 7-DaySuccess Exercise.

Today’s post is about how things started & the messages I received. You can borrow them for yourself.  But as you practice, I'm sure you’ll start receiving your own!

Day 1…Success Exercise in place! Aaaahhhh.  On one hand I was kind of expecting fireworks & money to fall from trees.  On the other hand, I didn’t tell anyone because I thought I was just full of crap & I wasn’t too sure any of this would do anything.   BUT…I was willing to try.  If you try, there is a possibility of success. If you do nothing, then it's certain you wont get it.  So on to day 1.

I started out strong.  During my morning stretch, as I lay on the floor breathing deeply I began to think about the sea & how I am a part of it.  I imagined all the sea creatures and how they look under the sea. The coral quietly at the bottom where only the ones nearby can appreciate their beauty. They provide colorful homes for others and even they have small movement. 

I thought about sea plants & I saw in my mind how they sway with the ocean current. They are held by the earth, secure, so they don’t have to fear a
little movement. Instead sea plants relax & let go & move with the changing movements of the sea. They don’t fight it. They relax.

I thought about crabs. Unlike most other sea animals they walk around on the sea floor. They see their difference as an asset. They walk in areas where others miss food, so they have abundance.  They use what the sea has GIVEN to them & they found it when they acknowledged & used the differences they were born with.

I thought of a pearl inside of a clam & how Mother Sea takes just 1 grain & puts it inside a clam so it can develop. It takes time for it to become a treasure. It grows into a beautiful and valuable and treasured asset under pressure & over time. Grace under pressure.

And I thought about how all of these creatures go with the flow. They relax. They accept the movement of the sea & the beauty in themselves and they use it to live…to receive the abundance that the sea already has in place for them.

My message on day 1 was:

 RELAX. Be a part of the sea. She is in you.  Even your tears are salty, which is a reminder that we are all one. You are connected and can draw on the abilities of the sea.  Relax & breathe and allow the movement. Relax & receive.  Be like the sea plants & the sea life.

Off to a great start with an incredibly peaceful morning! I also followed my other steps.
  1. I stretched. 
  2. I gave thanks.  Thinking about 10 reasons.
  3. I repeated MY mantra--3 times a day! "SUCCESS IS A PART OF MY DNA."
  4. I listed my 3 major success areas. I chose, Finances, Health/Losing Weight & My Speaking Career.
  5. I recorded God’s tips at the end of the day.
And yet, my day wasn’t filled with unicorns & rainbows. I felt more peaceful because I thought about the sea & Her message throughout the day.  But I have a real life, just like you.  My husband & I got into a big fight & my feelings were hurt. (Actually I was pretty on fire.) So for half the day I was just mad.

Then at the end of the day, when I sat down to write down Gods coincidences I couldn’t really think of any. I wrote down only one and I wasn’t certain that it was something “special,” but it was different.  A week prior I had asked a new contact to meet me so I could learn from her business experience…with no response. On day 1 of the Success Exercise, she emailed & set a date. (I had no idea that she was a professional business coach, specializing in sales…which is EXACTLY what I needed!  I wouldn’t find that out for a few days.)  

So that was day 1. I wasn’t sure if anything would happen, but I followed my steps. I wrote them down (because that helps me; its optional for you).I did think about the Sea's message. I did feel more peaceful. I found myself breathing slower more often & feeling soothed. 

Day 2?  Well, more messages & new insights!  Things began slowly, until the last few days. More on that later!  

I hope this was helpful. Remember even I am stretching outside of my “regular” to be new. I am sharing my life as it happens, so that you can do the same.



RELAX & RECEIVE. Move WITH the sea. 

I'll write about Day 2 next week. :) Thanks for reading this through & encouraging me to just be ok with me. Love to you all!!

PS – Many of you don’t know that I do the MOST FUN group coaching sessions!  Get your girls together, lets have some wine & snacks & let’s feel good together!  Let me teach you how to feel beautiful, listen to your inner Diva & make time for YOU in your own life!  If you want more check out or email me at

Thursday, November 14, 2013

My 7-Day Success Experience...I Woke With An Idea & Success Showed Up

My friend Vanessa James (of Vanessa James Media..shameless plug for AMAZING friends :) ) helped me see that I don’t have to have every thing all put together before I share it.  I like to fully understand something & to get it all neatly packaged with bullets so I can explain it.  But as I grow, I'm learning that it's ok to share my journey AS I learn it, so that you can learn right along with me.  I want my life to be better & yours, too, so here is something new.

I'm going to share how my life has been changing for the better & what things I'm putting into place that are helping me to FINALLY be successful in certain areas. I don’t know it all yet (perhaps I never will know IT ALL), but I'm sharing it anyway.

First, I like my life.  Lets get that out there.  But there are still things I want to change.  I've wanted to get back to a certain weight for a long time. I do make progress with a couple pounds here & there, but so far I haven’t really made a change that stuck, one that would get me where I wanted to be.

I've wanted to earn more money (I think everyone has this goal, even Trump). And I've wanted to work as a professional speaker as a full time career for more years than you know.  It's in my heart & it’s one of those dreams that comes from deep down inside your soul!  

I'm making progress, but I haven’t felt like things were really moving forward. I want to feel like I've jumped on the engine of a train! I want to go speeding along with all those areas of my life coming along behind me!  I want to move FAST. I like fast. :)

But last week was different. (I'm smiling.)  I woke up with an idea.  I'm sure God put it there while I slept, because I never read about it or thought of it before. 

I woke up with the idea to repeat some things everyday for 7 days.  And then I would stand back & see how (& if) my life got better.  I didn’t know if it would work, what would happen, or how. I just wanted to try it.  So I didn’t tell anybody. I just did these things every morning for 7 days.
  1. I stretched.  I layed down on the floor & stretched every morning for just a few minutes, with the lights off, breathing slowly.
  2. I gave thanks.  I committed to finding 10 things to be thankful for every morning.
  3. I repeated MY mantra!  3 times a day I said to myself: "SUCCESS IS A PART OF MY DNA."
  4. I listed my 3 major success areas. On day 1, I wrote the 3 major areas where I wanted success to show up.  On days 2-7, I fine tuned those areas, listing more detail about what that meant.
  5.  I recorded God’s tips.  At the end of each day I wrote down coincidences, messages, help, unexpected meetings..anything that seemed good & a little out of the ordinary.
 That’s it. That’s what I did for 7 days straight.

I'm sure you want to know what happened, right?  Well…tune in tomorrow. I will share some of the messages that I received, how help showed up for my speaking career & a little on how I lost 5 pounds & was able to give up coca cola & sweets for an entire week. :)  It might not seem big to you, but honey success has started showing up in my life. I'm not on the Oprah Show YET…but I feel like it’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new life for me…and it can be for you, too.

I’d love for you to try this SUCCESS EXERCISE with me.  And I would SERIOUSLY like to know how it changes your life because I believe it will, not because I came up with it, but because I believe God gave it to me. I was the guinea pig, now you can keep proving it works.'s up to you.  You don’t have to tell anyone you read this & you can just forget about it if you want. OR…………if you want something & if you're ready for something to change, to show up…….then do the simple things I did. They are easy. You just need a little time & to be willing to say….I'm ready.

Tune in tomorrow for another blog on what happened, what messages I received & how this helped me. 

Oh!…Please share your experiences with me. I DESPERATELY want to know how it's working for you!  Check me on facebook or email me at

Don’t forget…tune in tomorrow!

PS...If you don't know, I have been speaking around town & hosting some fun events!  Stay up on my events & more at

Friday, October 4, 2013

My Experience With Cancer...Being Honest & Sharing Hope

So I’ve never really talked much about what it was like to have cancer.  I’m fighter, a leader, the one who keeps it together and holds others in place when they need it.  I’m still learning how to open up, be vulnerable, and tell the truth about me in order to help somebody elses road be a little easier.

But that’s why we go through difficult things in life, to become better people and to help others avoid the mistakes that we made or at least to show them how to get through tragedies quicker and with more dignity.

So I’m telling my story, tonight, during October which is breast cancer awareness month in hopes…that you will have compassion for someone who is going through something and you will reach out to offer help.  I hope that you will remember your loved ones who passed away from illnesses and remember their light, their joy and the good that they brought to the world…forgetting the sad times.  I hope that you will take just 1 small step to take better care of your health, while you thank God for the health you have.  And last..I hope that after reading this, each woman will schedule a mammogram and go.  It isn’t that scary really and it could save your life.  I know. It saved mine.

My mother had breast cancer when I was a child. It was more than 20 years ago and there were not as many options in medicine or technology.  I saw her go through years of pain, and I saw the effects of her treatment. I saw her lose her hair and get a double mastectomy, but back them reconstruction just wasn’t common. So I saw my mother struggle with how cancer changed her life. 

But I also saw a mom who was funny and light and playful.  She let us build forts in the house, run in the summer rain and she laughed all the time.  She was my very best friend in the entire world, as a teenager.  She was my world.  She was my mom.  She went to hang out in Heaven when I was 16.

It took many years to be ok with holidays and birthdays and life without her, but I got through it. It took time. 

Fast forward decades. I had gotten over the scars of watching someone you love die slowly and I thought of her often with smiles as I remembered the joy of my childhood with her. 

And then I went for a routine trip to the doctor for birth control pills. I was 42 and it was time for my refill. I had been on them for years. No big deal. I rushed in as I always do and the nurse practitioner  said politely, I’m not going to fill this…until you get a mammogram. It’s been 5 years and you have a family history. So when you get that done I will fill them for you.

I remember being so mad at her. I thought about going to another doctor just to get them because I didn’t have time, I was in a hurry, I was already a few days late and this was a major inconvenience.  I mean come on, she was someone I only saw once a year and I had never had health problems before, so this was just an annoyance. I thought she was being ridiculous.  But I scheduled a mammogram and I went.

And then that same nurse practitioner called me and said, I see something and it could be cancer.  I remember feeling instant fear inside; my head was a little fuzzy. I couldn’t believe what she said. I wanted answers. What were my chances, what were my options, what was I supposed to do & how much would all of this cost?  She didn’t have any.  She invited me back to the office to pick up a list of surgeons and I called the only 2 women on the list.  One didn’t answer my call and the other had staff that answered immediately and seemed eager to help.  They made me feel a little bit comfortable, as much as I could be.

I didn’t tell my family, including my boyfriend of 8 years, anything. I didn’t want them to worry if it was nothing. So I went to my appointment alone.  They did a biopsy, where they take just a little tissue out of your breast while you are wide awake on a table. There was a little anesthesia, I guess, but it sure wasn’t comfortable. I felt worried but optimistic.

A few days later I got another call. It was the surgeon and she wanted me to come in so she could discuss the results with me in person. Now I was really scared.  For the first time in a long time all the memories of my childhood came crashing back in my mind after I had worked so hard to let them go.  Would I end up like my mom? Would I have to go through everything she went through? What if I died?  I was only 42.

I had a talk with my boyfriend and told him that I had been going to a few doctor’s appointments because after a routine check up they weren’t sure if I had cancer, but they needed to see me.  I asked him to come with me and he did.  We went to the surgeon’s office and she told me…you have cancer.  I don’t remember everything she said after that.  I wanted to listen clearly, calmly, so I could be aware of my options and not jump to conclusions before there were any.  I asked a couple questions and she calmly explained that I had Phase 1 breast cancer and that there is actually a stage 0.  The good news was that they caught it early. The other news was that I would have to have surgery and probably radiation. They would know more after surgery. 

Then the whirlwind started, mostly because I had to tell people, at least those closest to me.  I told my brother and my sister and maybe one friend.  I didn’t even tell our neighbors who have a key to our house and walk our dog when we’re not home. I didn’t tell many people because I didn’t want THEM to be sad or uncomfortable. Also I didn’t know if I could keep it together for them if they asked too many questions.  So I quietly scheduled my surgery, told my boss I would be out for 2 weeks along with the reason and then proceeded to have about a million tests. OK, it wasn’t a million but when you have cancer they want to know what they are working with, so they truly take more tests than you can imagine. They test your bones, blood levels, everything. I guess they do it to ensure the greatest chance of success for you.  What it meant was many trips to the doctor, before the surgery and lots of days I had to leave work early with no explanation for my other co-workers.

On the outside I was mostly calm. On the inside I was mostly calm. I was learning to be an optimist and I was just believing that God would take care of it.  So I had the surgery.

I remember waking up and continually feeling like I was going to pass back out and I think I did once or twice.  It was out patient and they didn’t let me go home for a long time, longer than normal because I wasn’t coming out of the anesthesia quickly. I remember my boyfriend sitting next to me, holding my hand and getting nurses when I felt like I might pass out. It was probably very scary for him. He never said a word about how he felt, but I would be scared.  I could see the worry in his face, but he just stayed calm, for me, I guess.

My surgery was over. I had finished the tests and it was time to go home. I just slept for a few days. I hurt at night, but I just stayed in bed and slept and it seemed to pass.  One of the things I will remember for my entire life is my boyfriend washing my hair and giving me a bath after a few days. I didn’t have a nurse. He was it. He was so gentle and soft, listening closely to my every request and making sure to follow it so he didn’t hurt me.  That was a moment when I fell in love with him on a deeper level than ever before. I could see his love and it was bigger than any flowers or words could ever explain.

Over the next 2 weeks I rested and slowly healed.  There were a couple very minor complications but nothing big.  When I went back to see the surgeon, my boyfriend came too and we got good news. I was healing well. The cancer appeared to be gone & they were predicting good results. I wasn’t feeling much of anything inside. I was done with cancer…almost.

A few weeks later I learned that I had to go to radiation therapy for 6 weeks. That meant every day, Monday through Friday I had to go to a doctors office, go in a dimly lit room, lay on a table with my arm over my head while a machine moved around me like an x-ray. The technicians couldn’t be near the radiation that they were aiming directly into my body, so they left the room and stood behind a glass window, watching, monitoring me to make sure I was ok.  They had a speaker so they could talk to me, but mostly it was just soft music or quiet in the background…and this is when the fear showed up again.

Each day when I lay down I had to stretch muscles that had been cut, that hadn’t been used and that were fighting back when I tried to put my arm over my head for 10 minutes or so. It wasn’t pain but it sure was uncomfortable.  When you feel pain and you are alone in a dark room for just 10 minutes with nothing but your thoughts….it is a scary thing.  Like many people I have probably spent a good part of my life racing around so I don’t have to acknowledge feelings or slow down to see what’s really going on inside me…now I had to do it everyday for 6 weeks.

I remember being on the table, praying, asking for God to help me calm down and for some peace and I heard God’s reply.

Imagine an angel lying on top of you.  Close your eyes and see her laying on you, she is big and she is absorbing all the negative rays of light, while you only receive the healing part.

And then I heard…say these words…God I feel better than expected. I feel better than expected. I feel better than expected. THANK YOU GOD that I feel better than expected. Say them over and over, even if you don’t believe it.

So that’s what I did. I found I didn’t really think about having cancer much when I was out in the world…I only worried and feared when I was forced to get quiet and face them head on, all alone…only I wasn’t alone. God was there with me all the time & so was that angel.

I’m thankful.  I hate that I had to face those fears from my childhood at all. I mean, God, wouldn’t it have been easier for me to see a movie on the topic instead of having to live it?  I thought so…but God wanted me closer to Him, so I could really be healed of the new scars and the old hurts.

Yes, cancer did change me. It brought me closer to God. It helped me stand up to my fears and I rarely fear cancer anymore. Why would I? I had it. I had surgery. It’s gone now. And I know I have an angel who is there to heal my body and my mind anytime I need it. I only need to see her, imagine her, and thank God that any area I want to thank God for in advance is better than expected. I have to continue to say that and I’m finding that things do end up that way…better than expected.

The physical pain of cancer was not as great for me as it is for many others.  I didn’t go through chemotherapy.  I didn’t lose my breasts or my hair.  I didn’t struggle physically for years.  But I did face my fears. I did stand face to face with something that COULD HAVE BEEN life threatening….and I won.

I can’t find that nurse practitioner who forced me to get a mammogram several years ago. But if she wouldn’t have…I may not have been here today.  So thank you medical professionals…for saving our lives, and standing up to bossy girls who just want to rush in and rush out. You are saving lives. You saved mine.

A mammogram is just a test. If it’s negative you go on with your life.  If it’s positive you take steps to correct it and then go on with your life. Parts of it may be scary and very unknown. I didn’t have perfect faith before and I don’t have it now…but after going through what I went through I’m a better person because of it and now I can help other women more deeply than before.

So it’s my prayer, as I reveal the truth about myself, that you (men and women) would take steps to have better health.  It is my prayer that you would get tested regularly for things that you know you need to be tested for.  And it is my prayer that everyone reading this would be able to let go of old scars so you can look someone in the face who is struggling and hold out your hand.

I am so lucky and blessed that I had a much easier road than some. Whatever your situation…as someone who has had cancer, still has cancer or if you just love someone with cancer….I love you. I feel you. I may understand and know just a little about what you are going through. Because at the end of the day you don’t have to have a life threatening disease to teach you how to love, how to have more compassion or how to help others. At the end of it all I learned that I gotta let people HELP ME sometimes and that it’s ok not to keep it all together…so what if I lose it.  I also got a chance to see love IN ACTION all around me. What a gift…far beyond words…beyond time…beyond anything I could have ever thought to ask for.

Life is good. Live it. Enjoy each day. Take care or yourself. And have compassion for everyone around you. Give love people. Give love.

(Last..My boyfriend is now my husband. I am healed. And when I asked my doc how I was doing, he told me that I am a model case and have had almost no side effects (because I healed better than expected.)  Pray for everyone around you.  We all need prayer (which is just love noticing the need for action.)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What To Do When Your Job Just SUCKS

What To Do When Your Job Just SUCKS

Lots of people dislike their job, that’s why they call it work and not drink a margarita at the beach, right!?!  But some of you are working at places that you actually LOATHE…that means, hate more than anything else in the world.  You would rather eat peas, clean cat litter and date the creepy dude who hangs out at the 7-11 if it would pay.  

I was there.  I know.  I worked at a company that may have had the worst management team in history and every day my spirit felt crushed.  I would wake up and cry, leave the job and cry & sometimes I would have to go in the bathroom at lunch and…you guessed it, cry.  Management made me doubt my strengths. I worked a million hours and felt completely unappreciated. And I did my job and my boss’ job who quit, without a raise for a year. Yes, I think that qualifies as a job that sucks.

Back then I didn’t have many tools to help my spirit, but I do now so here they are! 

1.       Understand this…if you’re hurting it’s a signal from God & the Universe.
The hurting part is truly hard, but there’s another way to look at it.  This is confirmation that God has something waaayyy better for you.  Your talents are not being used enough there.  I do not believe this is some test you must pass.  You are there because something needed to be done or someone needed to be helped. It may have been you.  I see I needed that job for the insurance.  That’s it.  But it paid for all expenses related to my cancer.  God has something better for you & He will help you find it.  Keep listening & looking.

2.      Pay attention to positive.
 You may never see positive qualities in that no good *#$%#^ who makes your life difficult at work, but there are still good things around you.  Look for them! When you head in to that sucky job tell yourself to look for examples of things that are beautiful, competent co-workers, and peaceful circumstances.  Do you have the only window in the office? Did your boss call out sick today?  Is there at least one person who makes you laugh at work who you can vent to?  These are signs of positive.  Notice them, because when you do more will show up.

3.      Set limits.
Do you want to stay at this job forever and make a career of it? No! Then set limits.  If you loathe this job & you aren’t going to stay here long term, don’t kill yourself to be excellent. Be good. Get the work done but don’t work 1 million hours.  I worked 7a to 730p, but when I decided to set limits I did the high priority work 9-5 & the lower projects just didn’t get done. Sorry.  My sanity is important, too.  Do good, but don’t kill yourself for something that’s not in your future. 
4.      Pamper you.
This is one of the absolute most important things you can do to make it through and feel good!  Do things that make your spirit soar!  When you’re not working, find hobbies—do art, read, go to the beach, take a flower arranging class, whatever. YOU MUST MAKE TIME FOR YOU. The joy you feel repairs the part of your spirit that was torn down at work.  De-prioritize some chores & honey, dance…dance…dance. Do what makes you feel absolute happiness and joy as often as you can.

5.      Use affirmations.
I felt so low that I had to use affirmations before I walked in the office every day.  When you get there take a few seconds in your car and say great things over and over, out loud.  I used Bible verses to empower me.

Those who go to God are strong like a tree planted by a river.  In season they bear fruit & their leaves never wither. Everything they do will prosper. Psalms

I also said things like…

I am a child of God.  God is IN ME.  King David and I share the same DNA. I am smart. I am strong. I am more than capable. I AM A LEADER & I AM EXCEPTIONAL.

6.      Use meditation.
There are many types. You can use it to feel empowered, relax, let go of stress or to tap into angelic help.  Check and type in “guided angel meditation” to start.   5 or 10 min a day makes a difference in how you feel & that’s what’s important, isn’t it?

I know your situation will change, because God’s giving you a sign that there is something greater out there for you!!  Keep looking.  Don’t give up hope.  Just take care of YOU in the mean time.  

Want more?  Steph Stanford is a professional speaker and author who teaches people to love themselves, embrace life and start living!  Check out her website or pick up her book, Happy Ain't That Hard, at