Thursday, November 14, 2013

My 7-Day Success Experience...I Woke With An Idea & Success Showed Up

My friend Vanessa James (of Vanessa James Media..shameless plug for AMAZING friends :) ) helped me see that I don’t have to have every thing all put together before I share it.  I like to fully understand something & to get it all neatly packaged with bullets so I can explain it.  But as I grow, I'm learning that it's ok to share my journey AS I learn it, so that you can learn right along with me.  I want my life to be better & yours, too, so here is something new.

I'm going to share how my life has been changing for the better & what things I'm putting into place that are helping me to FINALLY be successful in certain areas. I don’t know it all yet (perhaps I never will know IT ALL), but I'm sharing it anyway.

First, I like my life.  Lets get that out there.  But there are still things I want to change.  I've wanted to get back to a certain weight for a long time. I do make progress with a couple pounds here & there, but so far I haven’t really made a change that stuck, one that would get me where I wanted to be.

I've wanted to earn more money (I think everyone has this goal, even Trump). And I've wanted to work as a professional speaker as a full time career for more years than you know.  It's in my heart & it’s one of those dreams that comes from deep down inside your soul!  

I'm making progress, but I haven’t felt like things were really moving forward. I want to feel like I've jumped on the engine of a train! I want to go speeding along with all those areas of my life coming along behind me!  I want to move FAST. I like fast. :)

But last week was different. (I'm smiling.)  I woke up with an idea.  I'm sure God put it there while I slept, because I never read about it or thought of it before. 

I woke up with the idea to repeat some things everyday for 7 days.  And then I would stand back & see how (& if) my life got better.  I didn’t know if it would work, what would happen, or how. I just wanted to try it.  So I didn’t tell anybody. I just did these things every morning for 7 days.
  1. I stretched.  I layed down on the floor & stretched every morning for just a few minutes, with the lights off, breathing slowly.
  2. I gave thanks.  I committed to finding 10 things to be thankful for every morning.
  3. I repeated MY mantra!  3 times a day I said to myself: "SUCCESS IS A PART OF MY DNA."
  4. I listed my 3 major success areas. On day 1, I wrote the 3 major areas where I wanted success to show up.  On days 2-7, I fine tuned those areas, listing more detail about what that meant.
  5.  I recorded God’s tips.  At the end of each day I wrote down coincidences, messages, help, unexpected meetings..anything that seemed good & a little out of the ordinary.
 That’s it. That’s what I did for 7 days straight.

I'm sure you want to know what happened, right?  Well…tune in tomorrow. I will share some of the messages that I received, how help showed up for my speaking career & a little on how I lost 5 pounds & was able to give up coca cola & sweets for an entire week. :)  It might not seem big to you, but honey success has started showing up in my life. I'm not on the Oprah Show YET…but I feel like it’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new life for me…and it can be for you, too.

I’d love for you to try this SUCCESS EXERCISE with me.  And I would SERIOUSLY like to know how it changes your life because I believe it will, not because I came up with it, but because I believe God gave it to me. I was the guinea pig, now you can keep proving it works.'s up to you.  You don’t have to tell anyone you read this & you can just forget about it if you want. OR…………if you want something & if you're ready for something to change, to show up…….then do the simple things I did. They are easy. You just need a little time & to be willing to say….I'm ready.

Tune in tomorrow for another blog on what happened, what messages I received & how this helped me. 

Oh!…Please share your experiences with me. I DESPERATELY want to know how it's working for you!  Check me on facebook or email me at

Don’t forget…tune in tomorrow!

PS...If you don't know, I have been speaking around town & hosting some fun events!  Stay up on my events & more at

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